Dr Jon Lamonte, Chief Executive Transport for Greater Manchester, gives his unique international perspective on light rail developments in the UK.
Dr Jon Lamonte, Chief Executive Transport for Greater Manchester, gives his unique international perspective on light rail developments in the UK.
Danny Broad, Chief Executive Officer of the Australasian Railway Association, advises that there needs to be strategic long-term planning in building light rail infrastructure.
Ofer Manor, Chief Architect at Jerusalem Municipality, delivers an international perspective on the challenges of installing light rail in an ancient city.
Associate Professor Roberta Ryan, director of the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government and UTS Centre for Local Government, talks to GovNews about her achievements.
Troy Pickard, President of ALGA and WALGA, and Mayor of Joondalup, provides GovNews with unique insight into the big challenges facing local government.
Bill McArthur, President of the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV), talks to GovNews about the challenges councils face and some of the innovative ways they can govern more effectively.
Kevin Noonan, Research Director Public Sector at Ovum Australia, gives handy pointers on how local governments can improve their digital strategies.
Edward Blakely, Honorary Professor of Urban Policy at the United States Studies Centre, chats to GovNews about his achievements and gives essential tips to councils.