GovNews Exclusive – As technology payment methods change, governments need to market the benefits as well as install the technology.
GovNews Exclusive – As technology payment methods change, governments need to market the benefits as well as install the technology.
GovNews Exclusive – Federal Ombudsman recommends how welfare debt could have been better handled.
GovNews Exclusive – With mutually non-contestable customer relationships, governments have to ensure inclusion for ‘loss making’ channels’.
GovNews Exclusive – Is the “computer said no” excuse any longer applicable?
GovNews Exclusive – The eCensus outcome highlights the dangers of traditional procurement approaches.
GovNews Exclusive – New US President and Britain’s recent referendum pose big challenges for engaging with citizens.
GovNews Exclusive – Uphill struggle to appeal to the Gen-Y demographic, what can governments do?
GovNews Exclusive – Visionaries have the roadmap, but leading the way for employees and Australian has difficult trials ahead.
GovNews Exclusive – There are unforeseen variables in the future that make long term planning a gargantuan challenge.
GovNews Exclusive – Building a case for the benefits of autonomous vehicles in an increasingly digitised world.