Image: Jason Rosewell
We’re pleased to announce the launch of a brand new FREE podcast series from GovNews, called Jump Forward!
Where no subject is taboo, listeners will eavesdrop on our newsroom as the conversation is recorded live. All real and none of it scripted, you will enjoy our take on pertinent subjects relevant to your government organisation, business and general lifestyle.
In this series, we are joined by journalist and editor of GovNews, Paul Hemsley, and co-founder of GovNews, Joanne Le Vene, who discuss the latest issues that impact you and the public sector.
Special guests will join the newsroom, and share their knowledge and insights as we discuss the future of our changing world.
Our first guest is Professor Edward Blakely, international urban scholar, former chair of urban planning at the University of California, Berkeley. Professor Blakely is an internationally recognised leader in urban community development and has been directly involved in strategic planning, financing and real estate development and project management for more than 30 years.
He led the Hurricane Katrina recovery in New Orleans. He has been engaged in both urban and royal research, receiving recognition from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Urban Habitat, and the American Planning Association. He has served on the Greater Sydney Commission, and is now visiting professor of emergency management at the University of Venice, Italy.
The team at GovNews will be continually publishing new podcasts through our website, and regularly highlighting updates through our Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook social channels. Join us on Jump Forward, and let us know what else you’d like to hear when you eavesdrop on a newsroom.
Grab a cuppa, sit back and enjoy the initial launch of the Jump Forward series!
To listen, download the Soundcloud app through iTunes or Google Play.