NSW’s new digital guru, Damon Rees. Image: NSW Department of Finance.
A mere fortnight after New South Wales Minister for Finance, Services and Property Dominic Perrottet announced at CeBIT Australia 2016 that the state government will resurrect its chief information officer role, the position has been filled.
This week, the state government announced that Damon Rees has been appointed to the newly created Government Chief Information & Digital Officer (GCIDO) role, which Mr Perrottet said at CeBIT is like the CIO role, but with a “twist”.
Mr Rees has notched up an impressive CV of digital-related credentials that’s made him the successful candidate for the state government’s new digital role. He’s previously served as the Chief Digital Officer at Macquarie Bank; as Chief Technology Officer and interim Chief Information Officer at Woolworths, and as Westpac’s Head of Integrated Delivery.
Mr Perrottet said the appointment bolsters the NSW Government’s position as a nation-leader in digital service delivery, describing Mr Rees as an outstanding candidate.
“As a government we are determined to keep building our digital capability, because ultimately that results in better services for the people of NSW,” Mr Perrottet said.
“Damon comes with an exceptional track record in the business world, so it’s exciting to have someone of his calibre to drive the Government’s digital agenda,” he said.
The GCIDO will be the senior technology role within NSW Government, reporting to the Secretary of the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation. Individual agencies will retain Chief Information Officers but all major ICT projects across government departments will require approval and oversight by the GCIDO.
As GCIDO, Mr Rees will advocate for digital adoption across the NSW public sector, defining the long-term vision for ICT and digital technologies, implementing the NSW Open Data Policy and improving integration across Government agencies.
The role will also entail oversight of major government ICT projects, ensuring they are delivered on time, on budget, and deliver benefits for agencies and citizens.
Mr Dominello said Mr Rees’ whole-of-government oversight would ensure better integration across departments and agencies, and better outcomes for NSW taxpayers.
“The GCIDO will be responsible for enforcing high standards of financial discipline on large-scale ICT projects across government. Damon will also play a critical role in accelerating the digitisation of government services,” he said.
Mr Rees will commence in the GCIDO role from 30 May.