Big spending on the way in South Australia in 2016. Image: Maciek Lulco
The South Australian government has spruiked its infrastructure line-up for 2016, with a raft of projects valued at a total of $2.5 billion.
In an announcement from South Australian Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Stephen Mullighan, the government has listed its itinerary of major projects that add up to such a huge amount, the government touts that it will create thousands of jobs.
With jobs being one of the hot button topics in a state that has suffered through unfortunate closures and retrenchments in the manufacturing sector, the multi-million dollar scale of the projects is set to shore up interest from private contractors.
And to reinforce the government’s commitment to helping South Australian workers secure jobs, it is offering incentives to companies that employ local workers and use local products by giving them a greater chance at winning government infrastructure work.
This comes under changes made late in 2015 to the South Australian government’s Industry Participation Policy.
Mr Mullighan said together with continuing projects, such as the Royal Adelaide Hospital and the Torrens Road to River Torrens upgrade, more than $6 billion of major infrastructure projects are underway or about to start.
“Our biggest major infrastructure project to commence this year will be the $985 million Northern Connector due to start in May,” Mr Mullighan said.
“The $620 million Darlington Upgrade and $160 million O-Bahn tunnel are also due to start early in 2016 and together these three projects alone should support more than 850 jobs this year.”
Mr Mullighan said the government’s $208 million commitment to build 1000 homes in 1000 days would create about 400 jobs this year and another 500 a year in 2017 and 2018.
“Add to that the $900m Festival Plaza redevelopment, of which the state government is investing $180 million, and which will generate hundreds of jobs during construction and 400 ongoing positions,” Mr Mullighan said.
“As the Government continues implementing Transforming Health, work is set to start on a $15m PTSD Centre of Excellence, creating about 30 jobs during construction.”
“City planning reforms have also unlocked 44 private sector-funded projects, now underway or approved, valued at $1.4 billion and supporting hundreds of jobs in the construction industry,” Mr Mullighan said.
Other projects due to begin this year include:
- $85 million city school – up to 400 jobs during construction, 120 ongoing school jobs
- $67.9 million for 200 extra beds at Port Augusta and Mobilong prisons – about 70 jobs during construction
- $50 million School and Preschool Stimulus Package – creating 275 direct and indirect jobs
- $18 million Kangaroo Island Airport upgrade – creating 25 jobs
- $16 million two new ambulance stations and expansion of another – about 60 jobs
- $12 million SA Ambulance Service, Rescue, Retrieval and Aviation base – 50 jobs
Mr Mullighan said these projects were in addition to almost $4 billion of major infrastructure projects already underway and which had already generated thousands of construction jobs.
These include:
- $2.1 billion New Royal Adelaide Hospital – up to 2000 workers at peak
- $896 million Torrens to Torrens Upgrade – about 480 jobs a year – complete 2018
- $397 million Convention Centre – 400 workers on site at peak
- $170m Flinders Medical Centre rehabilitation and palliative care centre – about 350 jobs
- completed mid-2017
- $165 million Budget Roads Stimulus Package – more than 100 jobs a year
- $94 million Kangaroo Creek Dam upgrade – 220 jobs over three years – complete 2018
- $32.2 million Drill Core Reference Library – up to 100 jobs – complete early 2016
- $27 million Bald Hills Interchange – 55 jobs during construction – complete 2016
- $12 million school maintenance package – up to 66 jobs – continued 2016
- $10 million Noarlunga Hospital upgrade – 30 construction jobs
$10 million Anzac Centenary Memorial Garden Walk – about 40 jobs – complete 2016