From Trump Tower in New York City to the White House in Washington DC – President-elect Donald Trump’s new home for the next four years! Image: mr_wahlee
It was the election that almost everyone thought was Hillary Clinton’s to lose – and she did.
In an unprecedented and unexpected electoral victory that resembled the populist ‘Brexit’ movement in the United Kingdom, US President-elect Donald Trump has surprised just about everyone by overcoming the staggering odds against him to become the 45th President of the United States.
Initially before the ballot stations closed, the mood looked optimistic for Secretary Clinton, who enjoyed a consistent lead in the polls and even had some encouraging feedback in the exit polls.
But as the night wore on, Mr Trump managed to win not only every state Mitt Romney won in 2012, but all the swing states including Florida, Ohio and North Carolina, and even penetrated into traditionally Democratic territory by taking Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
At his New York election headquarters, Mr Trump emerged to the fanfare of Jerry Goldsmith’s bombastically patriotic score to the 1997 film Air Force One (a Romney-favourite four years ago), and delivered an acceptance speech that offered to bridge the divide that’s festered throughout the campaign, provide better services to military veterans and improve America’s inner cities.
“Now it is time for America to bind the wounds of division, have to get together. To all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people,” Mr Trump said.
“It is time. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all of Americans, and this is so important to me.”
He reached out to those who didn’t support him for their “guidance” and their “help” to work together and unify “our great country”.
He graciously thanked Secretary Clinton for her work and effort in a hard-fought campaign after she called him to concede defeat. His uncharacteristic civility surprised many due to the bravado and antagonism he hurled at her previously.
“She fought very hard. Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country,” Mr Trump said.
But where to now?
After such a divisive and bitter campaign that’s essentially made everyone despise their opposing party’s nominee, Mr Trump will now have the unenviable task of mending fences and working with foreign leaders who previously dismissed his campaign as a joke.
Some of these were Australian politicians who couldn’t quite make heads or tails about what was Mr Trump’s appeal to Americans that led to his electoral victory. Now they’ll need to count on hopes that the new President is just as accommodating as his predecessors.
Mr Trump’s catchy campaign slogan “Make America Great Again” might have been a source of inspiration or ridicule, depending on who you ask, but his election is also an opportunity to extend that desired “greatness” to the rest of the world and to lead by example as the ‘shining city upon a hill’, as expressed by John F Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama.
It might be difficult for many to accept Mr Trump as the leader of the free world, mainly because of the way each candidate’s supporters have essentially demonised their nominee’s opponent, but after all the surprises this election has delivered, now is everyone’s opportunity to drop the negativity and work together for a brighter future.
And that includes Secretary Clinton, who now has to lead her followers and reassure them that the Republic will soldier on.